Saturday, September 18, 2010

Where does all the flour go ?

Today we followed the flour to the Warehouse/Distribution centres. There are approximately 20 of these around town and the bulk of the flour is transferred by truck. From here the Flour is taken by Scooter (yes I said Scooter) to customers such as Bakeries.
There can be up to 8 Sacks of flour on each scooter and traversing the traffic is fraught with danger.
Flour Warehouse

The flour makes it to a Traditional Bakery
The owner of the Traditional Bakery
He sometimes can use 4 bags of flour in a day (sometimes)
Flour is also distributed to your more modern Bakeries

While eating products made from Interflour Flour and WA Wheat we watched the chaos that is Vietnamese

We are now going to see some history - We are off to the 250Km of tunnels from the war... look for the next update soon

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