Saturday, September 18, 2010

Vietnam Tourist

Ladies and Gentleman,
After our tour of the flour distribution channel, several members of the party took the opportunity to go and see some Vietnamese tunnels and see for ourselves the conditions and ingenuity of the Vietnamese people. I must admit to being fairly naïve when it comes to the history of the Vietnam war, so feel free to follow a few of these links to find out more
Vietnam War Wiki Page

Chi Tunnels - Wiki Link

A working 'Man Trap'

our guide is about to show us how they
entered the tunnel

This is where the 'weapons' are made

A few members of the crew and our IFHL representative

We took the opportunity to see another local industry
the rubber industry

they scar the tree and let the rubber collect in small bowls
very labour intensive

1 comment:

  1. This looks really interesting! I'm going to add this to my "where to holiday" list. Virginia M.
